Still Elegantly Gloomy about America’s Future

Posted on by David Gelber

So called because it is a pendant to his recent collection, United States, Virgin Islands is hardly virgin territory for its author. As the toastmasters say, Gore Vidal needs no introduction, but, as the elderly and fuddled toastmaster sometimes whispers, who is Gore Vidal? Playwright, novelist, and two-time-losing candidate for public office (Senate and House […]

The Last Post

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

The Revolution executed feminists, insider-traders, and turbulent printers of a left-wing bent; it cut a swathe through the Paris intelligentsia, ‘devouring,’ as Vergniaud said, ‘its own children.’ There were many aristocrats among its victims, though they were not often the tragic angels of legend; the Scarlet Pimpernel would not have exerted himself for the noble […]

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