Pussies Galore

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

Feline enigma? You betcha. Every cat owner is kept guessing. Why does she insist on drinking from the water glass by my bed rather than her own bowl? How does she know to disappear when she’s due a visit to the vet? Did that fun-size bit of offal on my pillow belong to a mouse […]

Anglers & Demons

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

The salmon is, as Michael Wigan puts it neatly, ‘natural royalty’ – but only among fish. Irredeemably cold-blooded and scaly, it does not qualify for the sentimental adoration bestowed on badgers, seals, hedgehogs and so on. Apart from a few anglers, ichthyologists and tender-hearted pescaphiles, no one cares much about fish. If they did, the […]

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