Earning Our Stripes

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

Meritocracy has come in for some hard knocks of late. Critical race theorists, egalitarians and others on the left deride meritocracy as ideology, a mechanism for perpetuating and legitimising hierarchy, elite privilege and structural inequities. Populists on the right are no less contemptuous, dismissing elites who claim to owe their positions in society to superior ability and effort as the shills of a system that is ‘rigged’. Prominent critics

Peace, Love & Factory Farms

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

In The Republic, Plato famously argued for a communism of the ruling class. An elite of guardians freed from the distractions of private property would govern with philosophical detachment. Aristotle thought the idea was unrealistic. Plato was no mere dreamer, however. More than anything, it was Roman Catholicism that kept civilisation going in Europe’s Dark […]

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