From Alcibiades to Airbnb

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

The year I lived in Athens was among the happiest of my life. The history of the stones was familiar to all of us – or so I thought, until Bruce Clark’s enchantingly readable history revealed how little I knew and, perhaps more importantly, how little I knew of the ways it all fits together. […]

Goodbye to Berlin

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

For much of her sixteen years in office as Germany’s chancellor, Angela Dorothea Merkel, née Kasner, has been ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’, to quote Churchill’s famous dictum on the Soviet Union. Her meteoric rise defied all rational explanation. A woman from East Germany, a scientist with an inbuilt aversion to straddling the political stage and mounting the bully pulpit: how could she succeed in a country with

Continental Drift

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

If newspapers are the first draft of history, higher journalism between hard covers is the second. In this absorbing book, the distinguished Dutch social commentator Geert Mak gives a report on the state of Europe during the first two decades of the new millennium. A sequel to his bestselling In Europe, which vividly assessed the […]

Hoxha’s Long Shadow

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

‘You’ll never understand what Albanian communism was like,’ begins one testimony in Margo Rejmer’s Mud Sweeter Than Honey. ‘Somewhere on the edge of Europe there was a North Korea, a bunker state, a fortress state … you can’t describe life in a country that was a prison.’ Albanians lived and died under communism for forty-six years. It was a period of prolonged human suffering, of which the outside world still knows little. Even in

Swords into Summit Meetings

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

For most of its history, Europe has been a particularly bellicose continent. Throughout much of that history, however, Europeans have also been concerned to the point of obsession with not merely how to limit the damage inflicted by war but also how to eliminate warfare altogether. This is the story Stella Ghervas has to tell […]

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