Character Building

Posted on by David Gelber

‘How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth?’ This was the title of a celebrated essay by the university don L C Knights, founder, along with F R Leavis, of the austere critical periodical Scrutiny. The question isn’t, as I recall, actually put in the text. It is there in the title as a rebuke to the […]

Nursery School of Writers

Posted on by Tom Fleming

University dons embarking on a work of criticism seem compelled to produce an academic ID, explaining where they stand in the minefield of critical theory and where they are coming from, as if under interrogation by the thought-police. This is not for our benefit, but to spike the guns of other dons. Valentine Cunningham, who […]

The Author Has Not Yet Read My Masterpiece

Posted on by Tom Fleming

When the editor asked me if I would like to review a book on the fifties, he omitted to mention that its longest – and by far its most amusing – section is an extremely detailed attack on me. I made that discovery rather belatedly when I heard my youngest son tittering as he read […]

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