Two Little Hitlers

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

To mark the centenary of Adolf Hitler’s birth in April 1989, Desmond Seward has had the interesting idea of comparing his career with that of another ‘world-historic’ figure, Napoleon Bonaparte. Parallel lives à la Plutarch are difficult to bring off, but Seward has avoided most of the pitfalls. His chief problem is that Hitler is […]

It Can be Happy

Posted on by Marketing Manager

In my capacity as unpaid agony aunt and telephone counsellor I have discovered this truth: all marriages are exactly alike. No matter what the previous disposition of the partners, something in the nature of marriage produces conformity, turns out Husbands and Wives as if from a mould. The British Standard Marriage, for example, can be […]

Smoked Salman’s Fishy Flavour

Posted on by Tom Fleming

The bulk of this 432-page tome, leaving aside a few longer essays, random journalism and two commentaries for TV documentaries, consists of book reviews penned by the author for the Guardian, Observer, London Review of Books and, more recently, The Independent on Sunday. Now a big name himself, he has been commenting for the last […]

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Off With Their Heads

Posted on by Tom Fleming

During the abdication crisis of 1936, Edward VIII decided to retaliate against the Baldwin government by ‘planting’ his point of view – including his opinion of certain ministers – in a newspaper. The politician he chose as a go-between in this operation was John Strachey, a left-wing socialist. And the publication he selected was The […]

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