Still Around

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

One of the great secrets of success in England is longevity. Only live to be eighty, as Evelyn Waugh once observed, and you will be ‘assumed into that odd circle of ancient savants and charlatans whom the Sovereign delights to honour and the popular press treats with some semblance of reverence’. Little can Eric Hobsbawm […]

Nasty Piece Of Work

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

This is dark, riveting book. Quite the most chilling story about the world’s Number One gangster is the recollection of a Kurd go-between, who was rushed in to see Saddam at the time of one particular crisis. He was blindfolded, strip-searched, hurried this way and that, and finally ended up in the real presence. Through […]

There Are, Indeed, Some Lessons to be Learned

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

What was the war over Kosovo really about? Was it a war at all? And was it a watershed in international history or merely an episode? These two new books offer radically different perspectives. Tim Judah has followed the break-up of Yugoslavia on the ground for much of the time since 1990, and offers the […]

Laying out the Choices

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

In his commendation on the cover of this book, Lord Butler (the former Cabinet Secretary) salutes the passion with which it is written. Perhaps five months in Brussels have raised my passion threshold, but, whatever its other virtues, this modestly useful book does not quicken the pulse.

For Meditating About

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

In the USA, the Holocaust has become an inescapable feature of public life. There is a Holocaust Memorial Museum in downtown Washington, a Holocaust Day, commemorative parks in many cities, and high-school instruction in the subject mandated by numerous state legislatures. University chairs in Holocaust studies cater to a student population whose knowledge of European […]

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