Conspiracy Theory of Everything

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

Back in the mists of time, great idealism surrounded social media. There was a sense that global interconnection would shift us into a more egalitarian and democratic age. How time makes fools of us all.  If you are a woman or a person from an ethnic minority, someone with a public profile or anyone who […]

Outrage in Oklahoma

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

On 19 April 1995, Timothy McVeigh parked a van full of fertiliser outside the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, lit a fuse and walked away. The blast killed 168 people, including nineteen children. McVeigh did it; there’s no doubt about that. Yet an aura of mystery surrounded the case because this 26-year-old […]

Et Tu, Rishi?

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

Let’s begin by saying what this book is not. In 1938 the Manchester Guardian’s former Berlin correspondent Frederick Voigt published a remarkable book, Unto Caesar. It chronicled the rise of religio-fascist regimes, including the one that brought to an abrupt end Voigt’s twelve years of reporting in Germany. A year later, Alfred Cobban, a distinguished […]

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