Wild France

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

Rid your mind of the idea – suggested by the ordinary title – that this is an ordinary book for first-time excursionists into French territory. It could indeed be taken with advantage in the backpack of almost anyone wandering round Europe’s largest, most varied and beautiful country, but essentially it is written as a corrective […]

Magical Depths

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

Being a Peter Ackroyd ‘history’ or imaginative excursion down England’s most famous river, Sacred River is a book full of dreams and visions, whimsy and religiosity, and sometimes unfalsifiable and overly lush forays into the Imagination of Albion. As usual, Ackroyd is never less than fascinating, if not always convincing; and I would surmise that […]

A World Behind Our Own

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

The Wild Places must be the most eloquent tribute paid by a young naturalist to his mentor for many a long year. Robert Macfarlane was a friend of the wonderful Roger Deakin, who died last August. These fifteen perfect essays relating travels off the well-trodden paths sparkle like early morning. Their combination of physical and […]

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