Fighting Talk

Posted on by Zoe Guttenplan

On 15 December 1969, cities all over the world woke up to billboards proclaiming, ‘War is Over!’ Paid for by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, the advertisement was not, of course, meant as a statement of fact. It was an appeal to stop the fighting and dying in Biafra and Vietnam. As ever, you had […]

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The World Ends in Seventy-two Minutes

Posted on by Zoe Guttenplan

‘Imagine a room awash in gasoline,’ said the American scientist Carl Sagan in 1980. ‘There are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine thousand matches. The other has seven thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who’s ahead, who’s stronger. Well, that’s the kind of situation we are actually in.’ […]

Biting Hitler’s Ankles

Posted on by Zoe Guttenplan

The Second World War, that inexhaustible milch cow for military historians, has staggered into the milking parlour again and yielded four reasonably fresh pails of milk. Max Hastings’s Operation Biting: The 1942 Parachute Assault to Capture Hitler’s Radar (William Collins 384pp £25) is an account of the Bruneval Raid, a successful but minor operation in […]

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