Feminism Lite

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

Caitlin Moran sounds like a nice woman. She writes prolifically for The Times, where she reviews TV and chronicles the solipsistic world of celebrities in one of the paper’s most popular features. Now she has written a book that has been compared by her publisher to two historic events, the death of the suffragette Emily […]

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Arguments Ad Hominin

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

When there are more significant researchers than significant specimens, and the question is what has made us human, the scholarly knives are sharper than knapped flints. Palaeoanthropology is a highly strung discipline in which strength of conviction makes up for a shortage of raw material and cherished hypotheses are constantly vulnerable to unexpected new discoveries. […]

Man’s Best Friend

Posted on by Jonathan Beckman

My philosopher friends do not much like Raymond Tallis, the distinguished gerontologist who upon retirement has become a prolific amateur philosopher. They find his style of argument at once flippant, crude, condescending and metaphysically pretentious. Yet that seems also to be the norm for the professional philosophers who write about Tallis’s favourite topic, the mind–body […]

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