The Lost Tudor Princess: A Life of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox by Alison Weir - review by Leanda de Lisle

Leanda de Lisle

Married to the Mob

The Lost Tudor Princess: A Life of Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox


Jonathan Cape 542pp £20

Lady Margaret Douglas is a wonderful subject for a biography. Henry VIII’s niece witnessed the fall of two of his queens. She was imprisoned in the Tower at least twice, was the mother of a king and a significant player at four Tudor courts. That her story remains largely unknown makes it a gift for Alison Weir, ‘the biggest-selling female historian since records began’. Unfortunately The Lost Tudor Princess is a missed opportunity.

Weir is a phenomenon and her work rate is awe-inspiring. She writes about a book a year, alternating between historical fiction and non-fiction. On top of this she does an incredible number of speaking engagements, sometimes several in a week. The brand she has built up ensures sales. Her knowledge and understanding of Tudor history have also deepened over the years. But this latest biography suggests she

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