Baghdad Bulletin: The Real Story of the War in Iraq – Reporting from Beyond the Green Zone by David Enders - review by Giles Trendle

Giles Trendle

The Greatest Frat Prank of All Time

Baghdad Bulletin: The Real Story of the War in Iraq – Reporting from Beyond the Green Zone


University of Michigan Press 156pp £15

Baghdad Bulletin is the personal account of a 22-year-old graduate of the University of Michigan who embarked on a quixotic mission to start up an English-language news magazine in Iraq shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. The book consists of a diary-like series of anecdotes about life in Iraq as author David Enders and a small team of graduates-cum-journalists strive to start up and run the bi-monthly Baghdad Bulletin. It survived from July to September 2003 before running out of money. 

Having been in Iraq during this period, I remember reading the Bulletin. No doubt I was the sort of reader the publication sought to serve – English-speaking foreigners who were expected to descend on Iraq now that Saddam had been deposed and the country was set to re-enter the international