A Decanter of Deacons

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

That the Church of England is theologically flexible will come as no surprise to observers of the institution described by the High Tory poet C H Sisson as ‘the one Sun seen … through the mists of this island’. But even by the standards of the C of E, the career of Marco de Dominis […]

Have Some Commons Decency

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

Harold Macmillan felt physically sick before every Prime Minister’s Questions, even though Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the opposition, would only ask him one question every three weeks. Even Tony Blair, possibly the best PMQs performer of them all, described Parliament’s centrepiece confrontation as ‘the most nerve-racking, discombobulating, nail-biting, bowel-moving, terror-inspiring, courage-draining experience in my prime […]

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