A Fishy Story

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

You probably believe that merpeople – sirens, tritons – are imaginary creatures, but how can you be absolutely sure? Benjamin Franklin boasted about his rationality, yet in 1736 he informed readers of his Pennsylvania Gazette that a ‘Sea Monster’ had recently been spotted in Bermuda, ‘the upper part of whose Body was in the Shape […]

Slimy but Wholesome

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

Seaweeds are magnificent in their briny home. They are colourful, shapely, buoyant. Stranded by the tide, flaccidness takes over. The once-wafting blades and filigree become dismal heaps on the sand. If they remain piled up and begin to rot, their tangy smell of the sea intensifies to unpleasantness as sulphur compounds are released into the […]

Different Strokes

Posted on by Frank Brinkley

Until I read Howard Means’s Splash! and Bonnie Tsui’s Why We Swim, my main encounter with the history of the sport had been a Victorian-inspired swimming gala organised by members of my local team at north London’s Parliament Hill Lido. We competed in novelty races that predated the streamlining of swimming into a competitive sport, swimming upright holding umbrellas in one race, wearing blindfolds in another. We jumped into the pool

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