Tomorrow They Won’t Dare to Murder Us by Joseph Andras (Translated from French by Simon Leser) - review by Laurel Berger

Laurel Berger

Iveton Undone

Tomorrow They Won’t Dare to Murder Us


Verso 144pp £8.99

In 2016 the Prix Goncourt for a First Novel was awarded to De nos frères blessés, written by a pseudonymous author calling himself Joseph Andras. The writer did not wish to attract attention to himself, but when he heard the news, he did something that attracted a lot of attention: he turned down the prize. The ruckus caused by his contention that ‘competition and rivalry were foreign to writing and creation’ did not hurt sales of the book, which has now been translated into English by Simon Leser under the title Tomorrow They Won’t Dare to Murder Us.

The novel concerns a forgotten incident that took place in Algiers in 1956 during the Algerian War of Independence. Fernand Iveton was thirty at the time, one of the white French minority and a communist who was committed to a free Algeria. He was also a peripheral Front de Libération