Hunting Evil: The Nazi War Criminals who Escaped and the Dramatic Hunt to Bring Them to Justice by Guy Walters - review by Jonathan Mirsky

Jonathan Mirsky

‘To Touch the Tiger’s Bottom’

Hunting Evil: The Nazi War Criminals who Escaped and the Dramatic Hunt to Bring Them to Justice


Bantam Press 432pp £18.99

In Hunting Evil Guy Walters dares, as the Chinese say, ‘to touch the tiger's bottom’. He mounts a full-scale attack on the reputation of Simon Wiesenthal, the world's most famous Nazi hunter. The book's main theme, however, is how Nazis escaped from justice, sometimes for many years, sometimes forever. The most famous ones are here, monsters all: Eichmann, Barbie, Mengele and Stangl. 

Walters, who has written a great deal about the Second World War, has travelled widely, combed the sources, and interviewed many Nazi hunters and survivors of the Nazis. Along the way, in what his publisher vulgarly styles a ‘real-life thriller’, there is much derring-do, as determined Nazi hunters